PGWP(post-graduation work permit )は、公立カレッジ・大学を卒業後、最大3年間の就労ビザを申請出来るシステムです。省略してポスグラとよく呼ばれます。詳しくはポスグラで永住権ページをご覧ください。
このうち、指定された専攻分野は以下の5分野となります。詳しくはカナダ移民省Work in Canada after you graduateをご覧下さい。
- agriculture and agri-food(農業、農業食品)
- health care(ヘルスケア)
- science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)(科学、技術、工学、数学)
- trade(熟練技能職 ※貿易ではありません)
- transport(運輸)
- PGWP対象かどうかは自分のご判断ではなく学校の公式発表に基づいてご判断下さい。
- 留学生に人気の「ビジネス」「ホスピタリティ」「保育(ECE)」が対象から離れている事から、PGWPを狙う多くの方は専攻の再検討が必要となっています。
- 【ホスピタリティ学科について】PGWP対象分野ではありませんが、Vancouver Community Collegeでは Hospitality Management Diplomaが対象になっているなどの動きもみられています。
- 【ビジネス学科について】PGWP対象分野ではありませんが、Supply Chain Managementに関してはTransportの学習が含まれているため、各校でPGWP対象となっています。またDouglas CollegeではMarketingやAccountingが対象となっています。
- 【ECE学科について】多くのカレッジでPGWP対象ではありませんが、Algonquin CollegeではDiplomaが対象となっています。
- 同名の学科でも、学校によってPGWP対象かどうか異なる場合があります。
- 本来は対象でない学科でも、Eligibleな分野の学習を加えたカリキュラムに加えてPGWP要件を満たそうとする動きがあります。
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Associate of Arts: Environmental Studies
Associate of Science: Environmental Studies
Diploma: Arts & Science Environmental Studies
Post-Degree Diploma: Web & Mobile App (Designer)
Post-Degree Diploma: Web & Mobile App (Developer)
Associate of Science: Science (General)
Associate of Science: Food and Nutrition
Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting (Co-operative Education)
Diploma: Food, Nutrition, and Health Transfer
Diploma: Nutrition & Food Service Management
Diploma: Nutrition & Food Service Management (Advanced Standing)
Post-Degree Diploma: Accounting
Post-Degree Diploma: Accounting (Co-op)
Post-Degree Diploma: Nursing Practice in Canada
Associate of Arts: Health Sciences
Associate of Arts: Mathematics
Associate of Science: Bioinformatics
Associate of Science: Bioinformatics Co-operative Education
Associate of Science: Biology
Associate of Science: Biology Co-operative Education
Associate of Science: Chemistry
Associate of Science: Computer Science
Associate of Science: Computer Science Co-operative Education
Associate of Science: Health Sciences
Associate of Science: Mathematics
Associate of Science: Physics
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
Certificate: Engineering Transfer
Certificate: Internet and Web Technology
Diploma: Applied Science for Engineering
Diploma: Arts & Science Chemistry
Diploma: Arts & Science Health Science (Arts)
Diploma: Arts & Science Health Science (Science)
Diploma: Bioinformatics
Diploma: Bioinformatics Co-operative Education
Diploma: Biology
Diploma: Biology Co-operative Education
Diploma: Computer Studies
Diploma: Computer Studies Co-operative Education
Diploma: Human Kinetics
Diploma: Kinesiology
Post-Degree Diploma: Data Analytics
Post-Degree Diploma: Data Analytics (Work Experience)
Social Sciences and Community Programs
Associate of Arts: Geography
Associate of Arts: Psychology
Bachelor of Recreation Management
Diploma: Criminology
Diploma: Recreation Leadership
Post-Degree Diploma: Applied Planning
Post-Degree Diploma: Applied Planning (Work Experience)
Continuing Studies
Certificate: Construction Standards
Diploma: Advanced Accounting
Diploma: Registered Massage Therapy
Post-Degree Diploma: Supply Chain and Logistics
Post-Degree Diploma: Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Computing Science
Computing Studies and Information Systems?
Engineering and Fabrication Technologies
Financial Services Management
Foundation for Music Therapy Studies?
Geological Resources
Hearing Instrument Practitioner
Legal Studies
Sport Science
Therapeutic Recreation
Academic Foundations
Basic Musicianship?
Computing Science
Criminal Justice Studies
Engineering Foundations
General Business
Global Competency?
Performing and Fine Arts
Teaching English as a Second Language
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Associate of Science 2 years
Automotive Repair and Refinishing Technician Diploma 2 years
High Performance and Custom Engine Technician Diploma 2 years
Bachelor of Hospitality Management 2 years
Clean Energy Technology Diploma 2 years
Cosmetology Diploma 2 years
Computer Systems Technology Diploma 2 years
Culinary Arts and Food Service Management Diploma 2 years
Cybersecurity Governance, Risk and Compliance PDD 2 years
Dental Technology Sciences Diploma 2.5 years
Electronics Repair Technology Diploma 2 years
Global Supply Chain Management Post-Degree Diploma 2 years
Graphic Design Diploma 2 years
Health Care Assistant Diploma 2 years
Heavy Mechanical Technology Diploma 2 years
Hospitality and Food Service Systems Management Diploma 2 years
Digital Marketing Technology Diploma 2 years
Network Technology, Administration and Security PDD 2 years
Occupational Physical Therapist Assistant Diploma 2 years
University Transfer Certificate - Engineering 1 year
University Transfer Certificate - Science 8 months
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Criminology Diploma (2 years)
Engineering Foundations Certificate (1 - 2 years)
Island Pre-Health Science Advanced Diploma (3 years)
University of Victoria - Guaranteed Admission
Vancouver Island University - Dual Admission
Android Application Development Certificate (1year)
Web Design Fundamentals Certificate (1 year)
Communication Design Diploma (2 years)
Web and Mobile Application Development Diploma (2 years)
Advanced Digital Design and Development Diploma (3 years)
DIGITAL Design + Development Post-Graduate Certificate (1 year)
DIGITAL Design + Development Post-Graduate Diploma (2 years)
Human Services - Educational
Assistant/Community Support Certificate (1 year)
Health Care Assistant Certificate + Community
Mental Health Worker Certificate special 2yr cohort
Furniture Design and Joinery Certificate (1 year)
Instrumentation and Electrical Automation Technician Diploma (2 years)
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Diploma in Environmental Studies
Commercial Aviation Diploma
Commercial Helicopter Pilot Certificate
Human Service Work Diploma
Therapist Assistant Diploma
Practical Nursing Diploma*
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems Degree (4-year)
Computer Information Systems Diploma
Kinesiology Diploma
Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Data Analytics and Economics
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Health Analytics
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Marketing and Data Analytics
Sustainable Building Technology Technology
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Psychology
Associate of Arts Degree - Psychology
Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Writing and Literature
Bachelor of Environment and Society (Environmental Sciences)
Bachelor of Environment and Society (Environmental Studies)
Bachelor of Science Degree - General
Associate of Science Degree
Associate of Science Degree - Biology
Bachelor of Business Administration Degree
Bachelor of Communication Studies Degree
Bachelor of Legal Studies (Paralegal) Degree
Bachelor of Early Childhood Care and Education Degree
Bachelor of Music Therapy Degree
Rehabilitation Assistant Diploma
Bachelor of Motion Picture Arts
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Degree (Education)
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Degree (Performance/Composition)
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Degree
Interaction Design Diploma
Bachelor of Tourism Management Degree
Outdoor Recreation Management Diploma
Bachelor of Kinesiology Degree
Kinesiology Diploma
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Certificate in Computer Information Systems
Certificate in Criminology
Certificate in Foundation in Entertainment Arts
Certificate in Health Care Assistant
Certificate in Health Foundations
Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling
Diploma in Advanced Game Development
Diploma in Advanced VFX (Virtual Production)
Diploma in Computer Information Systems
Diploma in Criminology
Diploma in Front-End Development in Interactive Applications
Diploma in Horticulture Technology (Turf Management, Landscaping, Sustainable Production)
Diploma in Science
Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture
Diploma of Technology in Environmental Protection
Associate of Arts in Criminology
Associate of Arts in Geography
Associate of Arts in Psychology
Associate of Science in General Science
Associate of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Anthropology
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Applied Geography
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Asian Studies
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Creative Writing
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology
Bachelor of Arts, Major in English
Bachelor of Arts, Major in General Studies
Bachelor of Applied Science in Sustainable Agriculture
Bachelor of Arts, Major in History
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Human Behaviour and Applied Psychology
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Policy Studies
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Science
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Sociology
Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting
Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Management
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Technology
Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design for Marketing
Bachelor of Design, Product Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Visual Arts
Bachelor of Horticulture Science, Major in Plant Health
Bachelor of Horticulture Science, Major in Urban Ecosystems
Bachelor of Interior Design
Bachelor of Journalism
Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology
Bachelor of Science, Major in Applications of Mathematics
Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology
Bachelor of Science, Major in Health Science
Bachelor of Science, Major in Physics for Modern Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Operations and Supply Chain Management
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Artificial Intelligence(AIG)
Aviation Operations(AVO)
Aviation Safety(ASE)
Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering)(BSA)
Biotechnology - Advanced(BTA)
Building Systems Engineering Technician(BTS)
Business Information Technology(BTT)
Chemical Laboratory Technology - Pharmaceutical(CLP)
Cloud Architecture and Administration(CAA)
Computer Engineering Technology(ECT)
Computer Programming(CPP)
Computer Programming and Analysis(CPA)
Computer Systems Technician(CSN)
Computer Systems Technology(CTY)
Coronary Care Nursing(COR)
Cybersecurity and Threat Management(CYT)
Database Application Developer(DAD)
Digital and Social Media Marketing(DMM)
Early Childhood Education(ECE)
Environmental Landscape Management(EVL)
Fitness and Health Promotion(FHP)
Graphic Design(GRA)
Honours Bachelor of Commerce Business Technology Management(BTM)
Honours Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics(DSA)
Honours Bachelor of Information Technology
Honours Bachelor of Information Technology Design and Management(BDM)
Honours Bachelor of Mental Health and Addiction(BMHA)
Honours Bachelor of Science Biotechnology(BBTA)
Honours Bachelor of Technology
Software Development(BSD)
Honours Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation(DTR)
Interactive Media Design(INM)
International Transportation and Customs(TCS)
Mental Health Intervention(MHI)
Nursing in Canada Transition for Internationally Educated Nurses(TNC)
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant(OTP)
Personal Support Worker(PSWC)
Practical Nursing(PND)
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas & Degrees(PHS)
Supply Chain Management - Global Logistics(SCM)
Sustainable Urban and Transportation Planning(UBS)
Workplace Safety and Prevention(WSP)
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Healthcare Category Programs
Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Analysis
Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Analysis(Bridge)
Food and Nutrition Management
Hearing Instrument Specialist
Deafblind & Intervenor Studies
Personal Support Worker
Pre-Health Science Advanced
Pre-Health Science
Practical Nursing
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Category Programs
Advanced Social Media Production - Auteurism
Applied A.I. Solutions Development
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics
Blockchain Development
Cloud Computing Technologies
Computer Systems Technician
Computer Systems Technology
Computer Programming and Analysis
Computer Programming
Computer Programming - Low Code
Cyber Security
Digital Product Management
Graphic Design
Health Informatics
Honours Bachelor of Business Administration - (Business Analytics)
Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing)
Honours Bachelor of Digital Experience Design?
Honours Bachelor of Digital Experience Design (Fast-Track)
Information Systems Business Analysis
Interaction Design
Interactive Media Management
Internet of Things ? System Design and Implementation?
Mobile Application Development and Strategy
Social Media Foundations - Content Creation
Web Development - Front-End Design
Wireless Networking
Trade Category Programs
Building Renovation Technology
Carpentry and Renovation Technician
Construction Engineering Technician
Construction Engineering Technology?
Construction Techniques
Electrical Techniques
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology
Mechanical Technician-CNC and Precision Machining
Plumbing Techniques
Welding Techniques
Transport Category Programs
Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management
Business Administration - Supply Chain Operations Management
Supply Chain Management
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Addictions and Mental Health
Addictions and Mental Health, Bachelor of Social Science
Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning
Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science
Building Construction Technician
Business Insights and Analytics
Carpentry and Renovation Technician
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Clinical Bioinformatics
Clinical Research
Cloud Computing
Computer Engineering Technology
Computer Programming
Computer Programming and Analysis
Computer Systems Technician ? Information Technology Infrastructure and Services
Construction Engineering Technology
Content Strategy
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
Data Analytics
Digital Communications, Bachelor of
Electrical Techniques
Engineering - Mechatronics Engineering, Bachelor of
Enterprise Software Development
Exercise Science and Lifestyle Management
Fitness and Health Promotion
Food and Nutrition Management
Golf Management (Professional) - Business Administration
Graphic Design
Health Informatics
Hearing Instrument Specialist
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology
Industrial Woodworking Technician
Information Technology Solutions
Information Technology Systems Analyst?NEW
Interactive Media Management - Creative Technologies
Landscape Technician
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Techniques - Millwright
Mobile Applications Development
Multimedia Design and Development
Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion
Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Plumbing Techniques
Practical Nursing
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Social Service Worker
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management, Bachelor of Commerce
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
User Experience (UX) Design
User Experience, Bachelor of Design
Web Development
Welding Techniques
Workplace Health and Wellness, Bachelor of Health Sciences
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
※2025年 1月入学の場合
Addiction and Mental Health Worker
Artificial Intelligence - Software Engineering Technology (Fast-Track) (Optional Co-op)
Artificial Intelligence - Software Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Biotechnology - Advanced (Fast-Track) (Optional Co-op)
Biotechnology (Fast-Track)
Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management (Optional Co-op)
Computer Systems Technician - Networking
Computer Systems Technician - Networking (Fast-Track)
Computer Systems Technology - Networking (Fast Track) (Optional Co-op)
Computer Systems Technology - Networking (Optional Co-op)
Electrical Techniques
Energy Systems Engineering Technician
Energy Systems Engineering Technician (Fast-Track)
Energy Systems Engineering Technology (Fast Track) (Optional Co-op)
Energy Systems Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Health Informatics Technology (Fast-Track) (Optional Co-op)
Health Informatics Technology (Optional Co-op)
Health Studies and Communications Skills
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
Interactive Media Management
Massage Therapy (Compressed Delivery)
Occupational Health and Safety Management
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Practical Nursing
Practical Nursing (Flexible)
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas
Software Engineering Technician
Software Engineering Technician (Fast-Track)
Software Engineering Technology (Fast-Track) (Optional Co-op)
Software Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Storytelling with Data
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Ontario College Diploma
Carpentry and Renovation Technician
Computer Engineering Technician
Computer Programming
Computer Systems Technician - Network and Cloud Technologies
Early Childhood Education
Fitness And Health Promotion
Greenhouse Technician
Greenhouse Technician (Co-op)
Horticulture Technician (Co-op)
Horticulture Technician
Landscape Technician
Landscape Technician (Co-op)
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
Pharmacy Technician
Recreation Therapy
Recreation Therapy (Fast-track)
Renewable Energies Technician
Welding Technician
Winery And Viticulture Technician
Ontario College Advanced Diploma
Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management (Co-op)
Computer Programming and Analysis
Construction Engineering Technology
Game Development
Graphic Design
Ontario College Certificate
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Community Pharmacy Assistant
Electrical Techniques
Landscape Horticulture Techniques
Mechanical Techniques (General Machinist)
Personal Support Worker
Personal Support Worker - Alternate Delivery
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas
Welding Techniques
Ontario College Graduate Certificate
Autism and Behavioural Science
Community Mental Health - Multidiscipline
Ecosystem Restoration
Environmental Management And Assessment
Exercise Science for Health and Performance
Supply Chain Management
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Artificial Intelligence - Architecture, Design, and Implementation
Artificial Intelligence - Leadership and Management
Aviation Management
Big Data Analytics
Biotechnology - Health
Business - Agriculture
Communicative Disorders Assistant
Computer Programming
Computer Programming and Analysis
Computer Systems Technician - Networking
Construction Techniques
Fitness and Health Promotion
Food and Nutrition Management
Game - Design and Simulation
Golf Industry Management
Graphic Design
Graphic Design Production
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
Honours Bachelor of Counselling Psychology
Honours Bachelor of Science - Nursing Honours
Interactive Media Design - Web
Marine Technology - Navigation
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Technician - Precision Skills
Medical Laboratory Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Mobile Application Development
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Practical Nursing
Pre-health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Pre-health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Supply Chain Management - Global
Therapeutic Recreation
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Aircraft Maintenance Technician
Applied Nuclear Science and Radiation Safety
Artificial Intelligence Software Development
Bachelor of Commerce (Supply Chain Management) (Honours)
Bachelor of Digital Marketing Communication (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Automation and Robotics)
Bachelor of Public Safety (Honours)
Bachelor of Technology (Business Systems Development) (Honours)
Bachelor of Technology (Digital Health) (Honours)
Biotechnology - Advanced
Building Automation System Operations
Building Construction Technician
Business - Agriculture
Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management
Business Intelligence Systems Infrastructure
Cardiovascular Technology
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Cloud Development and Operations
Computer Engineering Technology - Computing Science
Computer Programming
Computer Programming and Analysis
Computer Systems Technician
Computer Systems Technician - Networking
Computer Systems Technology - Security
Construction Engineering Technician
Cyber Security Analysis
Early Childhood Education
Environmental Management and Assessment
Fitness And Health Promotion
Food and Nutrition Management
Game - Development
Graphic Design
Heating, Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Technician
Heritage Carpentry and Joinery
Horticultural Industries
Human Services Foundations
Interactive Media Design
Interactive Media Management
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Techniques - Plumbing
Medical Device Reprocessing
Medical Radiation Technology
Mobile Application Design and Development
Music, Media and Film Foundations
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapy Assistant
Personal Support Worker
Practical Nursing
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas
Respiratory Therapy
Social Service Worker
Social Service Worker - Intensive
Supply Chain Management - Global
Sustainable Architectural Design
Therapeutic Recreation
Urban Forestry - Arboriculture
Web Development and Internet Applications
Welding and Fabrication Techniques
Addictions and Mental Health
Advanced Care Paramedic
Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Powerline Technician
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance (Co-op)
Advanced Ergonomics Studies
Advanced Care Paramedic
Agri-Business Management
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Co-op)
Addictions and Mental Health
Aerospace Operations Management
Aircraft Structural Repair Technician
Aviation Technician - Avionics Maintenance (Co-op)
Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Design and Planning (Co-op)
Business and Information Systems Architecture
Honours Bachelor of Applied Technology - Biotechnology
Biotechnology (Co-op)
Business - Supply Chain and Operations
Building Renovation Technology (Co-op)
Construction Engineering Technician (Co-op)
Commercial Flight and Aviation Leadership
Construction Engineering Technology - Management (Co-op)
Computer Programming and Analysis (Co-op)
Carpentry and Renovation Techniques
Carpentry and Renovation Technician
Computer Systems Technician
Computer Systems Technology (Co-op)
Cyber Security (Co-op)
Digital Communication Management
Landscape Design
Electrical Techniques
Emergency Management
Fitness and Health Promotion
Nutrition and Food Service Management
Food Processing - Product Development (Co-op)
Game Development - Advanced Programming
Golf and Club Management (Co-op)
Human Services Foundation
Horticulture Technician
Interactive Media Design
Information Security Management
Information Technology Infrastructure
Web Development and Internet Applications
Low-Code and No-Code (Co-op)
Mobile Application Development (Co-op)
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Tech'n (Co-op)
Mechanical Engineering Technician-Industrial Maintenance
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Medical Radiation Technology
Massage Therapy (Accelerated)
Network and Security Architecture (Co-op)
Occupational Health and Safety Management (Co-op)
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Asst.
Professional Butchery Techniques
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Plumbing Techniques
Practical Nursing
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Community Pharmacy Assistant
Respiratory Therapy
Supply Chain Management - Logistics (Co-op)
Software and Information Systems Testing (Co-op)
Technical Data Analytics (Co-op)
Technical Systems Analysis (Co-op)
User Experience Design
Welding and Fabrication Technician (Co-op)
Welding Techniques
▶ソース ▶学校情報(日本語)
Agri-Business Management
Applied Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Optional Co-op)
Applied Network Infrastructure and System Administration
Architecture - Construction Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Bachelor of Digital Technology Solutions (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering - Building Systems Engineering
Bachelor of Applied Biotechnology (Honours)
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Emergency Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Environmental Public Health (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Accounting, Audit and Information Technology
Bachelor of Engineering - Sustainable Design Engineering
Big Data Solution Architecture (Optional Co-op)
Biotechnology Technician
Blockchain Application Development
Building Superintendence and Repair
Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management
Carpentry and Renovation Technician (Optional Co-op)
Charcuterie and Artisanal Foods
Children's Mental Health Services
Climate Change Mitigation
Cloud Development and Operations
Commercial Helicopter Foundations
Communicative Disorders Assistant
Community Pharmacy Assistant
Computer Application Security (Optional Co-op)
Computer Applications Development (Optional Co-op)
Computer Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Computer Programming
Computer Programming - Data Management
Computer Programming and Analysis (Optional Co-op)
Computer Systems Technician - Information Technology Infrastructure and Services (Optional Co-op)
Construction Techniques - Brick and Stone
Construction Techniques (Carpentry)
Construction Techniques (Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC and Welding)
Construction Techniques (Masonry, Plumbing, Electrical, and Carpentry)
Construction Techniques (Welding, HVAC, Plumbing, and Masonry)
Clinical Research
Cybersecurity Response Planning (Optional Co-op)
Data Processing and Reporting
Digital Solutions Management (Optional Co-op)
eCommerce Management
Electrical Techniques
Embedded Systems Development (Optional Co-op)
Energy Systems Engineering Technology - Electrical (Optional Co-op)
Fitness and Health Promotion
Graphic Design
Health and Social Systems Navigation
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Management
Hearing Instrument Specialist
Heavy Construction Equipment Operation
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Human Services Foundation
Interactive Media Management - Interaction Design
Information Technology Infrastructure
IT Innovation and Design (Optional Co-op)
Information Technology Business Analysis
Information Technology Network Security
Information Technology Project Management
Machining for Manufacturing
Manufacturing Engineering Technology - Welding and Robotics (Optional Co-op)
Massage Therapy
Mechanical Techniques - Industrial Millwright
Mechanical Techniques - Precision Machining and Tooling
Mechanical Technician - General Machinist
Mechanical Techniques - Plumbing
Medical Laboratory Assistant/Technician
Mental Health and Substance Use
Mobile and Web Development
Mobile Solutions Development (Optional Co-op)
Motive Power Technician - Heavy Duty Equipment
Motive Power Techniques - Heavy Duty Equipment Repair
Network Technical Support
Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant
Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness
Personal Support Worker - International
Pharmacy Technician
Practical Nursing
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
Predictive Analytics
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas
Professional Cheese Making
Public Health Nursing
Real Estate Development and Management
Reporting Systems and Database Development
Sensory Loss Intervention
Social Media Marketing
Software Engineering Technician
Software Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)
Supply Chain Management - Global
Sustainable Urban Design
Sustainable Waste Management (Optional Co-op)
Therapeutic Recreation
Urban Planning and GIS
Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Web Development and Internet Applications Fundamentals
Web Development
Welding and Fabrication Technician
Welding Engineering Technician - Robotics (Optional Co-Op)
Welding Engineering Technology - Inspection (Optional Co-op)
Welding Techniques
Wireless Network Infrastructure
Woodworking Technician
Woodworking Technology (Optional Co-op)